About Us
Adam and Katie Richards have over 40 years of combined experience specialising in Family Law. They are two of the leading matrimonial attorneys in Bermuda.
Richards apply a team-based approach so that clients can benefit from the particular skills and expertise of both Adam and Katie, providing a highly effective yet cost efficient service.
Katie and Adam’s similar ethos to family litigation, and their approach to how such matters should be handled, was the foundation upon which Richards was formed. Central to their combined values is a recognition of the stress parties are often experiencing and consideration of the emotional toll that litigation can have on the family unit. We understand that it is always preferable to resolve family disputes by agreement and we will never embroil parties in Court proceedings where it is unnecessary.

We work with
Those with complex financial cases
High net worth
Those with complex emotional cases

Adam Richards
Co-founder and Director of Family Law
Adam Richards is a Barrister and attorney, with over 20 years of experience, practicing primarily in the area of Family and Matrimonial law.
Adam is one of the most experienced matrimonial attorneys in Bermuda having appeared successfully in many of the leading cases in the jurisdiction.
Adam is well versed in all areas of matrimonial and family law, including divorce, with a particular interest in financial proceedings. He regularly conducts cases of considerable complexity, including matters involving high net worth individuals, complex company assets and trust structures.
Adam also has extensive expertise in all child related matters, acting for clients in disputes involving the care, custody and maintenance of children including a number of cases with an international element. In particular, Adam appeared successfully in the Court of Appeal in a contested Hague Convention application and has represented clients in many of the leading judgments on applications for leave to remove children from the jurisdiction.
Adam is a confident and accomplished advocate and has routinely appeared in trials in the Supreme Court and before the Court of Appeal for Bermuda. He seeks to be empathetic to a client’s circumstances whilst providing straight-forward advice and practical solutions to achieve the best outcome for each individual.
Before establishing Richards, Adam worked at another law firm in Bermuda for 15 years. Adam was Managing Director for many years practicing in the Company’s established family law team.
Prior to moving to Bermuda, he worked as a Barrister at Temple Chambers in the United Kingdom having been called to the Bar in 2003. Adam specialised in family law early in his career and developed a strong and varied practice, regularly appearing in the County Court and High Court.
Cardiff University, Wales (LLB 2001
& Bar Vocational Course 2002)
Notable Cases
Santucci v Bell Santucci [2011] SC (Bda) 48 Div (Contested Divorce)
E v K Divorce Jurisdiction 2014 No. 123 (Leave to remove application)
Re C [2017] SC (Bda) 72 App
(Jurisdiction in family cases)
ARMF v AJF [2018] SC (Bda) 61 Div (Section 41 application)
TF and Commissioner of Police [2019] SC (Bda) 32 (Habeus Corpus for child)
KAB v AG and KT Civil Appeal No.7 of 2019 (Defended Hague application)
CRMR and KLR [2019] SC (Bda) 7 Div (Leading maintenance case)
MAC and TDC [2019] SC (Bda) 48 Div (Vulnerable adults, Jurisdiction)
Bermuda Electric Light Company and The Regulatory Authority [2024] SC (Bda) 5 Civ
Co-author of Bermuda Chapter, Family Law Jurisdictional Comparisons
Bar Admissions
England and Wales, 2003
Bermuda, 2010
Chairman, former captain of Bermuda Police Rugby Club.
Represented Bermuda in Rugby including in a World Cup qualifier.

Katie Richards
Co-founder and Director of Family Law
Katie has over 20 years’ experience in all aspects of Matrimonial and Family law.
Katie has an exceptionally strong reputation locally and internationally with a wealth of knowledge in all aspects of divorce and relationship breakdown, both from her 15 years in Bermuda and previously as a practising Barrister in the United Kingdom. Katie is a formidable Court room advocate and vociferously represents her clients to achieve the best outcome in each case.
Katie’s practice includes appearing in multi-jurisdictional divorce disputes where she regularly represents high net worth individuals in complex property, trusts and financial proceedings. Within those proceedings, Katie’s work often includes liaising with accounting and other business or tax specialists, both in Bermuda and worldwide. She is also well-versed in difficult applications for maintenance for spouses and children and can also assist in the drafting of domestic contracts including pre-nuptial contracts, nuptial settlements and separation agreements.
In addition, Katie will routinely act for parents in challenging Custody, Care and Control and Access disputes including applications for permission for children to be removed from the jurisdiction, child abduction cases and Hague Convention proceedings.
In 2002, Katie was called to the Bar of England and Wales by the Honourable Society of Gray’s Inn, London. Having successfully completed her pupilage at 33 Park Place, Cardiff, where she remained as a tenant for 5 years, Katie accepted an invitation to join the leading family law department at Temple Chambers in Cardiff, where she continued to enjoy a successful practice until she moved to Bermuda in 2009. Katie was called to the Bermuda Bar in February 2010. Katie has continued to practice family law in Bermuda for over 15 years prior to establishing Richards in 2024. During that time, she was responsible for establishing and developing a number of leading matrimonial departments.
Collaborative Law
Katie is Chair of the Collaborative Law Alliance Bermuda and a member of the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals. Katie believes that, where possible and appropriate and before litigation is embarked upon, divorcing couples should have an opportunity to explore alternative methods of dispute resolution in the hope that settlement can be achieved in a respectful and amicable manner. Throughout her career at the Bar, Katie has demonstrated this philosophy in her day-to-day dealings with clients and continues to strive to achieve the best results possible in a collaborative manner.
Reading University, UK (LLB 2001)
University of Cardiff, UK (Bar Vocation Course, 2002)
Bar Admissions
Bar of England and Wales (not practising, 2002)
Bermuda Bar (2010)
Industry Associations
Commissioner for Oaths
Chair, Collaborative Law Alliance Bermuda
Member, International Academy of Collaborative Professionals
Committee Member, Legal Aid Committee (retired)